Mary - Adelaide AU

Thanks Sam, that's what I mostly want to say - an expression of gratitude. For the last 6 years I have been living with ever increasing pain in my body from a fall.  I've managed this with physio, massage, stoical determination, life changes and a spattering of grief at the loss of my physical capabilities and consequently my loss of yoga, bushwalking and more. A friend recommended you, I looked you up and signed up for a few private sessions. Within the first 2-3 sessions my body changed and the pain diminished, I couldn’t believe it and still can’t! 


After 4 weeks of working with you, one on one twice a week, I am now mostly pain free, more flexible, and if I feel a twinge I know what to do to stretch and relieve it. My fear of hurting myself and having a bout of chronic back pain has gone, my friends say I’m walking with a swagger and a spring in my step. I am so grateful for the attention, care and time you give so generously, and it's really good fun even when its hard work. You have got long term buy in from me, I trust your knowledge and the manner in which you apply it to support my healing and integration in body, heart, mind and spirit. 


Thank you Sam.


Chris & Jeff - Adelaide AU


Sue - Melbourne AU